☄All About Braxton☄
I am new to HTML coding and I am creating this webpage to share
a little about myself!
Why Am I Interested In Coding?
I have always been interested in technology ever since i got my first little barely functioning
phone with the keyboard that comes out of it, I would always try to pull that thing apart. I have always taken apart
my technology that I owned and tried to put it back together, emphasis on tried. I want to
become a computer engineer and so I need to be able to code my projects that I make. So thats why
I am interested in coding, just so I can code my physical technology projects.
Hobbies & Interests
Listed Below are some of my favorite hobbies and interest:
- Gaming: I love playing video games, some of the genres of which are RPG, story, shooter, and
so many more. I love them because it gives me a place where I can go to forget about reality and just have fun.
- Tech Tinkering: What I mean by this is I basically love to just tinker inside of things like
operating systems, random tech around my room, and really anything technology related.
- Hanging Out With Friends: I love being able to make friends online but sometimes you need some
IRL friends to hang out with, so when I am at school I love hanging out with my friends and laughing around
⇐Future Goals⇒
I plan on going to PRC for a start at getting my major in
computer engineering and my minors in either computer science or software engineering, the
reason for the start at PRCC is to getting used to the dorms and such. After PRCC im going to an actual college for
the before said majors and minors, after which I am hoping for a job at the U.S. Space Force to be able to desing
rockets and earth space defense systems. If the space Force fails im planning on going to any technology company
such as google or microsoft and work for them. If all else fails I'm planning on just becoming a truck driver.
Fun Facts
- I have 3 dogs- a chiweenie (Zeus), a chihuahua (Sophia), and a maluwa mix (Mia)- and we have eight cats whoes
names I'm not gonna list out here for obvious reasons (too long lol).
- I have 3 siblings- my older brother (Blake), my older, older brother (Brady), and my older sister (Victoria)-
and I have an aunt, an uncle, and a mom and dad obviously.
- I have had over 40 surgeries and counting, might sound bad but it honestly aint so bad.